Highway to Hoeftland

Adventures with Kristin & Mike

By the end of October, a new Casita travel trailer will be sitting in our driveway, waiting for us to drive it off the lot into the wild blue yonder.  As thrilled as we are about this new upcoming chapter in our lives, we are a tad bit nervous about it all as well.

You might be asking, “Why would Kristin and Mike be nervous about something so exciting and fun?”

Well, the answer (besides being a couple of worrywarts) is because we have never owned a recreational vehicle. It’s a big unknown for us right now.


We don’t know how to use an RV, let alone how to tow a trailer behind a truck.


Scenery from Route 66, AZ.

Scenery from Route 66, AZ.

In fact, we had never even driven a truck until two weeks ago when we traded in our car for a tow vehicle. This is why we’re honestly nervous–but we’re forging ahead nonetheless!


We are wondering, will it be easy for us to learn how to RV? And how does one tow a 17 ft travel trailer safely anyway? Will our trailer tip over as soon as a semi truck blows by on the freeway?


The Camping Issue

I grew up camping as a kid and I absolutely loved those experiences and want more of them.

However, in all honesty, Mike does not actually enjoy camping.

Picture Mike sipping a latte inside a fancy resort in Tahoe, whilst watching the sunset from the comfort of his air-conditioned hotel room. This is Mike’s preference for travel.

Will Mike feel content while traveling in a trailer? We are going to have to wait and see…


Mike at the top of the Stratosphere. Las Vegas, NV

Mike at the top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, NV

Trying it Our Way

Alas, we didn’t really get the Casita travel trailer to spend a lot of time camping in the remote wilderness (not that there’s anything wrong with that; everyone has different travel styles. As long as you’re out there exploring and experiencing joy in some way that it meaningful to you, that’s what’s important).

Our traveling style might change as we get more into it, but for now, we are starting out as explorers on the go. Some of our interests once we head out on the highway will be to experience different cities, towns, local restaurants, local breweries, beaches, sights unseen, and the like.


Love of Exploration

One thing is for sure, Mike and I are immensely curious people. We both want to see what’s out there. This is what motivates us to get the trailer.

Mike and Kristin enjoying some drinks.

Mike and Kristin enjoying some drinks.


We feel happiest when we are on the road, heading to some new place.  Setting out as explorers is a giddy feeling for us, and a feeling of wonderment.


Consequently, we are going to do our best to make the most of our decision to get out there—live life—and explore; it’s what we love to do.


It will be a learning process, and we believe somewhat of a challenge at first, but hopefully a worthwhile challenge that will enrich our lives for the better.

Wish us luck! Thanks for reading our blog. And please feel free to add your comments below and connect with us via social media to keep in touch.




*Full disclosure / end notes:

I share a stationary trailer (that has never been moved out of its lot since we owned it) in the Washington woods with my sister. We use it as a vacation house from time to time. It was left to us by our Mom. Thus, technically the Casita is actually my second trailer, but I still consider the Casita a first for me because of how we will use it.

2 thoughts on “Nerves and Excitement Set in After Buying a Casita Trailer

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